
Handmade gifts - jelly

Some of my Christmas gifts are made in August and September. I make extra jars when I'm preserving the harvest so that I will have plenty of gifts when the time rolls around. This year I made strawberry, crabapple and chokecherry jellies. I've combined them into groups of three and secured them together with rubber bands and cellophane wrap finished up with a strip of burlap.

I print up labels and use one of my circle punches to punch them out.

Turn the jars upside down, cover the bottom with cellophane and secure with a (huge) rubber band.

Cut a piece of burlap. Do you know the trick about pulling out a string of burlap and using the gap as a cutting edge?

Everyone loves to get a homemade gift from the heart.

I trim off the visible cellophane at the top - just a personal preference.

Handmade Gift Ideas at Tatertots and Jello
This or That Thursday at deb duty photography
Handmade Gifts at Funky Junk Interiors
A Burlap Christmas at Funky Junk Interiors


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